Sunday, February 5, 2012

WOW what a winter

Well this winter began with a car accident which was a pretty big deal so I thought.  Below is a copy of the post that I published at that time.  But the really big deal began on December 31st when my oldest son had the stomach bug.  He threw up all day and finally around 6 am on January 1st he just had small belly ache around his belly button.  We though that he was still just suffering from the affects of the bug until he collapsed.  We took him to Children's Hospital to find out he had a ruptured appendix.  Since that time he has had two major surgeries and is still in Children's Hospital today Feb. 5th I would like to say that we are grateful that he is going to be ok.  I guess the reason that I wanted to share this with all of you is because Airsofters are important to me.  You and I share common interests and playing the game with you and my kids is something that I enjoy.  To think that I may not have been able to do that with one of my kids has changed me inside.  PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES AND LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.  If you or your kid’s belly buttons hurt go to the doctor.  I want to play Airsoft with you again.

Best Regards,

Accident Post:
At 0430 this morning my family and I loaded our bags in the truck and headed for the airport for a fun filled week at Disney. At 0455 we got on the freeway and traveled about 13 miles when a drunk driver hit our vehicle and spun us 3 to 5 times. He in turn went into a ditch rolling and flipping several times. With all that happened and as fast as it happened we are all O.K. The driver of the other car had a blood alcohol level of .11 and had marijuana in the car. In just one moment my family and I could have been gone. All because someone else felt that it was ok to drink and drive. I and my boys are glad to be here to play another day and we will see you at the next event.

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